Round Twenty
Scarlet Leaves
Left (Tie)
aki sareba akatsuki tsuyu ni imo ga sode makigi no yama ni niou momijiba When the autumn comes, With the dawn, the dewdrops, as Upon a sweet girl’s sleeves, At Makigi Mountain Bring a lustre to the scarlet leaves…
Masashige 39
shitazome wa onaji midori ni mishi hodo mo momiji no iro no usuku koki kana First dyed All with green, When I gazed upon them, now The scarlet leaves’ hues are Pale and vibrant both!
Kūnin 40
The Left has a lofty tone, yet the Right is still smooth. Thus, I make this a tie.
wagimoko ga hi mo yūgure no kiku nareba akazu zo hana no iro wa miekeru My darling girl Both day and eve is As a chrysanthemum, so Never sated am I with this flower’s Hues I see.
Korenori 5
kiku no hana fuyu no kaze ni chiri mo sede kyō made tote ya shimo wa okuran Chrysanthemum blooms In the winter wind Scatter not; Is it that up to today is when Frost is said to fall?
Korenori 6
kage sae ya koyoi wa niou kiku no hana ama teru tsuki ni ka no sowaruran Even their shape Fills tonight with a scented glow; Chrysanthemum blooms To the heaven-shining moon Seem to add their fragrance.
Korenori 7
aki sugite hanazakari naru kiku no hana iro ni taguite aki ya kaereru Autumn is past and The flowers richly blooming are Chrysanthemums: With their hues Autumn does return!
Korenori 3
nami to nomi uchi koso miyure suminoe no kishi ni nokoreru shiragiku no hana Simply as waves Do they, indeed, appear! At Suminoe Lingering on the shore White chrysanthemum blooms.
Korenori 4
Poems from a Chrysanthemum Match held by the Senior Courtier Gentlemen in the presence of His Majesty, 13th day of the Tenth Month, Engi 13. Left ちりはててはななきときのはななればうつろふいろのをしくもあるかな
chirihatete hakanaki toki no hana nareba utsurou iro no oshiku mo aru kana All scattered now, For such a brief time are These flowers here; The fading of their hues Is something I regret!
Okikaze 1 しらくものうへにしうつるきくなればいたくをにほへはなとみるべく
shirakumo no uenishi utsuru kiku nareba itaku o nioe hana to mirubeku A white cloud, Planted is this gleaming Chrysanthemum, so Bright, indeed, shining Does the bloom look to be…
Suetada 2
Topic unknown.
wa ga koi wa mada yuki kienu wakakusa no iro ni zo idenu shita ni moetsutsu My love is As yet unmelted snow Upon the fresh young grass, Passion’s hues revealed, Ever budding beneath…
Round Five
Left (Tie)
niou ka wa izure no ume mo kawaranedo \iro naru hana zo wakite mi ni shimu The fragrant scent of Any plum Varies not, yet Those with scarlet hues Especially pierce my breast!
Iemoto 9
ume no hana ka oba tamoto ni shimuredomo iro oba e koso utsusazarikeri The plum blossoms’ Scent into my sleeves Has sunk, yet Their hues, of all things, Have shifted not!
Kūnin 10
I wish I could say that the Left is superior, but that is not the case, so a tie.
A poem written on a folding screen with paintings of the four seasons, created as a backdrop for the fortieth birthday celebrations of Lord Fujiwara, Major Captain of the Right, by the Principal Handmaid – Autumn.
aki kuredo iro mo kaFaranu tokiFayama yoso no momidi wo kaze zo kasikeru Autumn has come, yet To the never changing hues on Evergreen Mountain Distant scarlet leaves The wind has lent!
Sakanoe no Korenori
Created with Soan.
When composing a fifty-poem sequence for Cloistered Prince Shukaku.
momijiba no iro ni makasete tokiwagi mo kaze ni utsurou aki no yama kana To the scarlet leaves’ Hues entrusting their fate, The evergreens, too, Shift with the wind In the autumn mountains!
Kintsugu, Supernumerary Master of the Crown Prince’s Household Office
Created with Soan.
On a folding screen for the celebrations of the birthday of Her Majesty, the Empress in Shōhei 4.[1]
iro kaFenu matu to take no suwe no yo wo idure hisasi to kimi nomi zo mimu Ever unchanging hues Have the pine and bamboo— In the ages to come Which is more eternal? My Lady, alone, will see!
The Handmaid to the Ise Virgin
Created with Soan.
[1] The empress in question was Fujiwara no Onshi (Yasuko) 藤原穏子 (885-954), the consort of Emperor Daigo. The birthday being marked was her fiftieth, with the celebrations taking place on the 26th day of the Third Month, Shōhei 承平 4 [12.5.934].
足引乃 山橘之 色出而 吾恋南雄 合難為名
asipiki no yamatatibana no iro ni idete a pa kopinamu wo apigatakusu na As the leg-wearying mountain Marlberry Does my passionate hue reveal That I love you— O, don’t make it hard for us to meet!
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