A breeze on a river resembling autumn.
iwa kuguru mizu ni ya aki no tatsutagawa kawakaze suzushi natsu no yūgure Running ‘neath the rocks Do the waters bring autumn To Tatsuta River, for The river breeze is so cool On a summer evening…
yamakaze no sakura fukimaku otosu nari yoshino no taki no iwa mo todoro ni The mountain wind’s Gusts scatter cherry blossom round, Dropping it with The Yoshino waterfall’s Roar upon the rocks…
Created with Soan.
In the same reign, when His Majesty’s Gentlemen were drawing topic by lot and presenting poems, he drew ‘fishing boats’ and composed this.
iFa orosu kata koso nakere ise no umi no siFose ni kakaru ama no turibune To drop their stones Is there no place at all, At the sea off Ise Caught by the rushing tides are The seafolk’s fishing boats…
Supernumerary Middle Counsellor Toshitada
Created with Soan .
Composed as a love poem, when she presented a hundred poem sequence.
ara’iso no iFa ni kudakuru nami nare ya turenaki Fito ni kakuru kokoro Fa Along the stony shore Upon the rocks shattering Are the waves—just like That cruel man does Break my heart, perhaps?
Taikenmon’in Horikawa
Created with Soan .
Composed on the conception of the beginning of spring, when she presented a hundred poem sequence.
yuki Fukaki iFa no kakemiti ato tayuru yosino no sato mo Faru Fa kinikeri Where snow lay deep Across the rocks, upon the path of boards, Footprints are fading— At the Yoshino estate Spring has arrived!
Taikenmon’in no Horikawa
Created with Soan .
Composed on waiting for the moon by the water at Lord Kinzane’s residence.
natsu no yo no tuki matu Fodo no tezusami ni iFa moru simidu iku musubisitu On a summer night, Waiting for the moon, My hands keep busy by Through the pure water dripping from the rocks Running time and time again.
Fujiwara no Mototoshi
Created with Soan .
Topic unknown.
se wo Fayami iFa ni sekaruru takikawa no waretemo suwe ni awan to zo omoFu The fast-running rapids By rocks are blocked— A cataract Shattered, yet at the end How I long to meet her!
The recently Retired Emperor [Sutoku]
Created with Soan .
Topic unknown.
iwanami no kozue ni kakaru kokochishite musubamahoshiki niwa no matsukaze The waves breaking on the rocks, Are clinging to the treetops, I feel; O, to bind them with The breeze through my garden’s pines.
The Monk Ken’en
This match took place when, hearing that his courtiers were composing poetry, His Majesty ordered them to compose love poems to the ladies in attendance.
omoi’amari ikade morasan okuyama no iwa kakikomuru tani no shitamizu My passion’s full, so How should it o’erflow? Deep within the mountains Hemmed in by crags are The waters of the valley floor…
Major Counsellor Kinzane 1
In reply
ika nareba oto ni nomi kiku yamakawa no asaki ni shimo wa kokoro yosuran For some reason, I simply hear the sound Of a mountain stream; Into the shallows, indeed, has Your heart been swept, it seems!
[Nakako,] The Suō Handmaid 2
yamazato wa tani no shitamizu tsurara ite iwa utsu nami no oto dani mo sezu At a mountain retreat The waters in the valley below Have turned to icicles, and Of waves striking the rocks There is no sound, at all.
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