Composed during the reign of former Emperor Ichijō, when His Majesty was presented with a gift of some eightfold cherry blossom from Nara and, being in attendance, he ordered her to composed a poem on this gift of blossom.
inishie no nara no miyako no yaezakura kyō kokonoe ni nioinuru kana The ancient Capital of Nara had Eightfold cherry blossom, that Today within the ninefold palace Does shine!
Ise no Taiyū
Created with Soan .
Saying that he was taking off mourning clothes for Kōtoku-kō.
kagiri areba keFu nugisutetu Fudigoromo Fatenaki mono Fa namida narikeri An limit there is, so Today do I take off for good These violet robes, but What are endless Are my tears.
Lord Fujiwara no Michinobu
Created with Soan .
At about the time the Naka Chancellor began visiting her regularly.
wasureji no yukusue made wa katakereba kyō o kagiri no inochi to mogana Never to be forgotten In all the days to come is Hard to believe, so If only today was the limit Of my life…
The Mother of Gidō Sanshi
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Topic unknown.
ōigawa iseki no mizu no wakuraba ni kyō wa tanomeshi kure ni ya aranu Upon the Ōi River At the weirs the waters Seethe—for once Today you had promised me The evening, had you not?
Kiyowara no Motosuke
Created with Soan .
For a folding screen.
kinoFu made yoso ni omoFisi ayamegusa keFu wa ga yado no tuma to miru kana Until yesterday Distant did I think us, but As a sweet flag Today from my house’s Eaves, my wife I see!
Ōnakatomi no Yoshinobu
Created with Soan .
With the passage of the day, so life falls into decline.
kyō kurenu inochi mo shika to odorokasu iriai no kane no oto zo kanashiki The day has turned to twilight, and so Does life before you Notice it; The sunset bell’s Toll is sad, indeed.
Monk Jakunen
Created with Soan .
When he was passing the barrier at Shirakawa on the way to Michinoku.
tayori araba ikade miyako Fe tuge yaramu keFu sirakaFa no seki Fa koenu to Had I but a messenger Somehow, to the capital I would send word— That today the Shirakawa Barrier I have passed through…
Taira no Kanemori
Composed on the conception of love at the end of the Third Month.
Faru Fa wosi Fito Fa koyoi to tanomureba omoFiwazuraFu keFu no kure kana Regretting the departure of spring, and Tonight, my man Expecting, Wracked with painful thoughts Does today reach its dusk!
The Minister of the Centre
Created with Soan .
When a man she had been seeing had failed to visit for a long time, she sent him this in the Longest Month.
oFokata no aki no sora dani kanasiki ni mono’omoFisoFu kinoFu keFu kana As ever, Even the autumn sky’s Sadness is Overlaid with gloomy thoughts Today, and the day before!
Created with Soan .
Topic unknown.
asiFiki no yamaFototogisu keFu tote ya ayame no kusa no ne ni tatete naku Leg wearying, The mountain cuckoo, Knowing today, perhaps, On the sweet-flag Roots does perch and sing.
A composition by the Engi Emperor [Daigo]
Created with Soan .
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