könö körö pa titose ya yuki mo suginuru tö ware ya sika omopu mimaku pori ka mo |
Recently A thousand years or more Had passed – Or so I thought; Perhaps because I long to see you. |
pitögötö wo sigëmi ka kimi ga puta saya nö ipe wo pedatete kopitutu masamu |
Is it people’s talk So lush – that you, The twin-scabbard Of your house a hindrance, Must yearn for me? |
utukusi tö wa ga omopu imo pa paya mo sinanu ka ikeri tö mo wa ni yörubësi tö pito nö iwanaku ni |
How lovely I thought my darling: Oh, that she would swiftly die, For, living Would she cleave to me? There’s no word of it. |
This poem is included in the Kakinomoto no Asomi Hitomaro Kashū “The Hitomaro Collection” – while there is still disagreement over the provenance of many of its poems, there is at least the possibility that he wrote this.
ima pa a pa sinamu yo wa ga se ikeri tö mo ware ni yörubësi tö ipu tö ipanakuni |
Now, I will Indeed, die, my love; For if I lived, Would you cleave to me? There’s no word of it |