Left (Tie)
au koto o matsu to nagekishi toki yori mo tanabatatsume wa ima ya waburamu | For a meeting Did she pine and grieve, But from that moment The Weaver Maid Now seems filled with lonely sadness. |
nagaki yo ni tsukusu tomo naki tanabata no koi wa sora ni ya moriwataruran | The long night through Did not exhaust at all The Weaver Maid’s Love into the skies Seems to overflow. |
From the Poetry Match held in the reign of the Tenryaku Emperor.
aFu koto no taetesi naku Fa nakanaka ni Fito wo mo mi wo mo uramizaramasi | If meeting Were never to be, then Somehow, Both you, lady, and my unlucky lot I would not wish to resent! |
Middle Counsellor Asatada
Created with Soan.
ause oba nagarete to koso tanomeshi ka ika ni to dani mo otonashi no taki | Our meeting, like the rapids, Will flow on—can I Trust in that? However much they seem The silenced cataract of Otonashi… |
Lady Ki
In reply.
sumiwaburu na no nagasaji to tsutsumu ma ni shibashi yodomu zo otonashi no taki | Living on in sorrow and Letting no word of it flow out— Thus wrapped up Briefly stilled has been The cataract of Otonashi. |
Supernumerary Minor Captain Morotoki
tsurashi to mo iza ya ikaga wa iwashimizu ause madaki ni tayuru kokoro wa | How cruel! Why as Spring waters rushing from the rocks did Our meeting swiftly Did you wish to end? |
Kazusa, in service to the Empress
In reply
yo yo futomo taeji to zo omou kamigaki no iwane o kuguru mizu no kokoro wa | Age upon age may pass, yet Never shall we end, I feel, as from The sacred precinct’s Rocky roots flow Waters—that is my heart! |
kazu narade yo ni sumie no mi o tsukushi itsu o matsu tomo nakimi narikeri | Countless are The generations spent at Sumie, with The channel buoys: exhausted What should I await but To be dead. |
Master of the Left Capital Office Toshiyori
In reply
nagaretemo ause wa taeji sumie no mi o tsukushitemo kuchihatetenan | Flowing on, yet The rapids’ meetings will not cease; At Sumie with The channel buoys, you may be exhausted, but Would you rot away… |
Kazusa, in service to the Empress
Channel buoys. Image by Claudia Thorn from Pixabay
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