Tag Archives: Minamoto no Shunrai

SZS IV: 281

Composed on the conception of the moon over the water, at the residence of Supernumerary Middle Councillor Toshitada at Katsura.


asu mo komu
nodi no tamakaFa
Fagi koete
ironaru nami ni
tuki yadorikeri
The morning comes, too,
To Noji’s jewelled river;
Over-running the bush-clover are
Motley waves where
The moon does lodge.

Minamoto no Shunrai

SZS XII: 708

Composed on the conception of love that is unrequited despite one’s prayers, when composing ten poems on love at the residence of Supernumerary Middle Councillor Toshitada.


Fito wo Fatuse no
yo Fagesikare to Fa
inoranu mono wo
A heartless
Woman is as Hatsuse’s
Mountain winds,
Raging in the night, they say, and
As unmoved by prayer…

Minamoto no Shunrai