如是為而也 尚哉将老 三雪零 大荒木野之 小竹尓不有九二
kakusite ya napo ya oinuramu miyuki puru opoarakino no sino ni aranaku ni | Is this how it is to be? Have I yet grown old Though covered with fair snow On Ōaraki Plain An arrow-bamboo I am not… |
During the same reign, when there was an imperial excursion and His Majesty commanded the composition of poems.
oFowigawa kaFabe no matu ni koto toFamu kakaru miyuki ya arisi mukasi mo |
At Ōigawa: O, pine trees on the bank I would ask you something: Was there ever such an imperial visit In the days of long ago? |
Ki no Tsurayuki
When Former Emperor Uda held an imperial excursion to Ōikawa, he stated that the place was truly suited to such an activity, and this was composed to inform His Majesty of the fact.
ogurayama mine no momidi Fa kokoro araba ima Fitotabi no miyuki matanan |
On Ogurayama, Had he maples on the peak Any heart at all, Now, for one more Imperial visit would they await… |
The Koichijō Grand Minister [Fujiwara no Tadahira]
Left (Win).
serikawa no nami mo mukashi ni tachikaeri miyuki taesenu saga no yama’arashi |
Seri River’s Waves, too, in ancient times, Would rise and fall; A Progress as endless as The storm winds on Mount Saga. |
miyuki seshi nobe no furumichi fumiwakete ato taesenu wa serikawa no mizu |
A progress passed Across the plain’s old trails, Well trod, The traces will endure As do the waters of Seri River… |
Neither team finds any fault this round.
Shunzei’s judgement: Both poems have the conception [kokoro] of ‘Seri River’ (serikawa) and ‘endless Progress’ (miyuki taesenu), and there is not much between them in terms of winning or losing, but the Left’s ‘storm winds on Mount Saga’ (saga no yama’arashi) seems to blow a bit more strongly today!
Left (Tie).
inishie no nagare o ukuru mikari kana sono serikawa no ato ni makasete |
In days long gone, Flowed by here His Majesty’s hunting party; At the River Seri, Traces, tell the tale… |
inishie no nomori no kagami kyō mireba miyuki o utsusu kōri narikeri |
That long ago Falconer’s mirror: When I look on it today, Reflecting the progress is A sheet of ice. |
The Right find no fault with the Left’s poem. The Left wonder whether ice is able to reflect anything, and what the purpose of using the term is.
Shunzei’s judgement: Both poems are elegant [yū], starting with ‘In days long gone, flowed by here’ (inishie no nagare o ukuru) and ‘That long ago falconer’s mirror: when I look on it today’ (inishie no nomori no kagami kyō mireba) respectively, but the use of ‘the’ (sono) in the Left’s ‘the River Seri’ (sono serikawa) is poor [ika ni zo kikoyu]. The Right’s ‘ice’ (kōri) really does seem somewhat unsuitable. Thus, it is impossible to pick either as the winner.
karigoromo odoro no michi mo tachikaeri uchichiru yuki no nokaze samukeshi |
Clad in hunting garb, and Down a path of thorns Returning, The scattered snowflakes make The wind off the plain feel all the more chill… |
morobito no kariba no ono ni furu arare kyō no miyuki ni tama zo chirikeru |
Many folk Have Ono as their hunting ground, but The hail falling Today, upon this Imperial Progress Has scattered jewels. |
Neither Left nor Right have any criticisms.
Shunzei’s judgement: ‘A path of thorns’ (odoro no michi mo) recollects the gentlemen of the court when garbed for hawking, and certainly sounds accurate, but the final line does not say anything out of the ordinary. On scattered jewels of ‘hail falling on the hunting ground of Ono’ (kariba no ono ni furu arare), you have ‘many folk’ (morobito no) and then ‘today’s Imperial Progress’ (kyō no miyuki ni) which sounds as if both are indistinguishable. It is impossible to assign a winner or loser this round.