Topic unknown.
ika de ka Fa omoFi ari to Fa sirasubeki muro no yasima no keburi narade Fa | In some way or other Of my passion I should tell you; For, in Muro, from Yashima Isle Rising smoke it is not! |
Lord Fujiwara no Sanekata
A poem by His Majesty, the Retired Emperor [Genshō].
波太須珠寸 尾花逆葺 黒木用 造有室者 迄萬代
hadasusuki obana sakapuki kuroki moti tukureru muro pa yoroduyo made ni | Silver Grass, reversed, for thatch, and With unbarked lumber Made, this rude dwelling For ten thousand generations, surely will endure… |
The Names of the Buddhas 仏名
kazuke tsukeru wata hikikakeyo sayo sugite muro e kaeran sena ga kakushite | With his reward of Cotton held high, After a brief night’s end He returns to his cell and Hides himself within… |
To a woman, at the beginning:
ika de ka Fa
omoFi ari to Fa
muro no yasima no
keburi narade Fa |
In some way or other
Of my passion
I should tell you;
For, in Muro, from Yashima Isle
Rising smoke it is not! |
'Simply moving and elegant'