nanipa nö kuni pa
asikaki nö
puri ni si sato tö
pitö mina nö
ture mo naku
ari si apida ni
umiwo nasu
nagara nö miya ni
puto taka sikite
wosukuni wo
wosametamapaba oki tu töri
adipu nö para ni monönöpu nö
yaso tömo nö wo pa
ipori site
miyako nasitari
tabi ni pa aredömo
The bright shining
Land of Naniwa is a
Ancient home:
All men
Forgot it and
Cared not,
But then
As drawn hemp thread,
At Nagara a palace
With fine wood pillars
Was raised broad and high
For His realm
He rules
As birds offshore
On the field of Ajifu,
As warriors
His many men
Built a shelter,
Making a capital
Though on a journey.
sumeröki nö
t opoki miyö ni mo ositeru
nanipa nö kuni ni
amë nö sita
airasimesiki tö
ima nö yö ni
taezu ipitutu
kakemaku mo
aya ni kasikosi
kamu nagara
wa go opokimi nö uti nabiku
paru nö pazimë pa
yati kusa ni
pana saki nipopi
yama mireba
mi nö tömosiku
kapa mireba
mi nö sayakëku
monögötö ni
sakayuru töki tö
nanipa nö miya pa
yomo nö kuni yori
mitukï nö pune pa
porie yori
asa nagi ni
kadi pikinobori
yupu sipo ni
sawo sasikudari
adimura nö
sawaki kipopite
pama ni idete
unapara mireba
siranami nö
ya pe woru ga upë ni
ama wobune
parara ni ukite
opomike ni
tukapematuru tö
wotiköti ni
izari turikeri
sökidaku mo
ogirönaki ka mo
kökibaku mo
yutakeki ka mo
kökö mireba
ube si kamuyo yu
pazimëkerasi mo
An emperor,
In a far distant reign,
From the blinding light
Of Naniwa province,
The state,
Even in our world today,
Still the tale is told;
The words,
fill me with awe:
Our divine Empress:
At the fluttering
Birth of spring,
When every
Flower blooms with colour;
When the mountains
Are a rare sight indeed;
When the river
View is clear and bright;
When everything
In brilliant bloom
Her Majesty saw
She was gladdened and
Had built
The palace at Naniwa, where
She rules
The four corners of the land;
Bringing offerings
The tribute boats
Ply the canal,
Pushed by the currents
In the calm at dawn
They row upstream and
With the evening tide
Punt down;
As a flock of teal,
Rauccously competing,
Folk out on the beach,
Gaze upon the wide sea’s sweep
Where on white breakers,
Layer on layer,
The little fisher boats
Bob about;
Her Majesty’s table
To supply;
Here and there
They fish with lanterns;
So many,
How wide and deep the sea,
This extremity
Of plenitude:
Seeing it, ’tis
No surprise that from the age of gods
A palace was begun here.