hototogisu kikedomo akazu tachibana no hana chiru sato no samidare no koro | The cuckoo I hear, yet am never sated, when Orange Blossom scatters round my estate In the summer rain… |

かけまくも あやに畏し 天皇の 神の大御代に 田道間守 常世に渡り 八桙持ち 参ゐ出来し時 時じくの かくの木の実を 畏くも 残したまへれ 国も狭に 生ひ立ち栄え 春されば 孫枝萌いつつ 霍公鳥 鳴く五月には 初花を 枝に手折りて 娘子らに つとにも遣りみ 白栲の 袖にも扱入れ かぐはしみ 置きて枯らしみ あゆる実は 玉に貫きつつ 手に巻きて 見れども飽かず 秋づけば しぐれの雨降り あしひきの 山の木末は 紅に にほひ散れども 橘の なれるその実は ひた照りに いや見が欲しく み雪降る 冬に至れば 霜置けども その葉も枯れず 常磐なす いやさかはえに しかれこそ 神の御代より よろしなへ この橘を 時じくの かくの木の実と 名付けけらしも
kakemaku mo aya ni kashikosi sumeroki no kami no opomiyo ni tadimamori tokoyo ni watari ya poko moti mawidekosi toki toki ziku no kaku ko no mi wo kasikoku mo nokositamaere kuni mo se ni owitatisakape paru sareba pikoe moitutu pototogisu naku satuki ni pa patu pana wo eda ni taworite wotomera ni tuto ni mo yarimi sirotape no sode ni mo kokire kagu pasimi wokite karasimi ayuru mi pa tama ni nukitutu te ni makite miredomo akazu akizukeba sigure no amepuri asipiki no yama no konure pa kurenawi ni nipopi tiredomo tatibana no nareru sono mi pa pitatere ni iya migaposiku miyuki puru puyu ni itareba simo wokedomo sono pa mo karezu tokipa nasu iya sakapape ni sikare koso kami no miyo yori yorosinape kono tatibana wo toki ziku no kaku no ko no mi to nadukekerasi mo |
Even giving voice Fills me with awe: In the emperor’s Divine past ages, Tajimamori Crossed to the land of everlasting life; Eight spears in hand, When he did return Untouched by time These fragrant trees’ fruit With awe Did he leave for us. All throughout the land Do they grow and flourish, and When the spring does come, From fresh branches stretching out, The cuckoo Calls in the Fifth Month; The first blooms From the branches I take by hand, and To the maidens I present them; Into their white-mulberry Sleeves they thrust them; The fragrance sinks And lies there unfading; Fallen fruit as Gems I thread, Wound about my hand I gaze upon them, yet can never get my fill; With autumn’s advent Rain showers fall, and Leg-wearying Moutain treetops turn To scarlet Glowing and scattering, yet The orange Ripened fruit Gleams Ever attracting the eye; When snow falls And winter comes, Frost wraps them, yet Their leaves remain unwithered, Ever Freshly flourishing, And thus, From the Age of Gods Behold, The orange Eternally Fragranced fruit Has been called! |
Ōtomo no Yakamochi