Tag Archives: Oshima

Love X: 18

Left (Win)

sode zo ima wa
oshima no ama mo
hosanu tagui ni
omoikeru kana
My sleeves, now, and
At Oshima the divers, too
Are fishing;
Both are never dry
I feel!

Lord Sada’ie


koi o nomi
shida no ukishima
ama ni mo nitaru
sode no nami kana
From love alone, at
Ukishima in Shida –
Submerging and emerging,
A diver do I seem,
Waves washing on my sleeves!

Lord Takanobu

Left and Right together state: the poems do not seem poor.

In judgement: this round also seems pleasant. With ‘at Oshima the divers, too are fishing’ (oshima no ama mo isarisen) and ‘Ukishima in Shita – submerging and emerging’ (shita no ukishima ukishizumi) the scene of sleeves of both Left and Right sound splendid. Once more, again, I must make this a tie.