opokimi no
topo no mikado zo
kosi to na ni operu
pina ni si areba
yama takami
kapa toposirosi
no wo piromi
kusa koso sigeki
ayu pasiru
natu no sakari to
sima tu tori
ukagapi ga tomo pa
yuku kapa no
kiyoki segoto ni
kagari sasi
nazusapi noboru
tuyusimo no
aki ni itareba
no mo sawa ni
tori sudakeri to
masurawo no
tomo izanapite
taka wa simo
amata aredomo
yakatawo no
a ga opoguro ni
siranuri no
asagari ni
ipo tu tori tate
yupugari ni
ti tori mitate
opugoto ni
yurusu koto naku
tabanare mo
oti mo kayasuki
kore wo okite
mata pa arigatasi
taka pa nakemu to
kokoro ni pa
wataru apida ni
sikotu wokina no
koto dani mo
ware ni pa tsugezu
ame no puru pi wo
togarisu to
na nomi wo norite
misimano wo
sogai ni mitutu
putagami no
yama tobikoete
kakeri iniki to
siwabure tugure
oku yosi no
soko ni nakereba
ipusube no
tadoki o sirani
kokoro ni pa
hisape moetsutsu
ikiduki amari
kedasiku mo
au koto ari ya to
asipiki no
ote mo kono mo ni
moripe o suwete
kami no yasiro ni
teru kagami
situ ni torisope
a ga matu toki ni
wotomera ga
ime ni tuguraku
sono potutaka wa
matudae no
hama yukikurasi
tunasi toru
pimi no e sugite
tako no sima
asigamo no
sudaku purue ni
ototui mo
kinopu mo aritu
tikaku araba
ima putugatami
topoku araba
nanuka no oti pa
sugime ya mo
kinamu wa ga seko
nemokoro ni
na kopi so yo to zo
ima ni tugeturu |
My Great Lord’s
Court is far away;
Deep the snowfall
Here, bearing the name of Koshi
Distant as the skies;
A rustic spot it is, so
High are the mountains, and
Vast the rivers, and
Wide the plains, where
Grass grows lushly;
Sweetfish run
In multitudes in summer, and
Island birds,
The cormorant fishers
Upon the running rivers’
Clear rapids
Shine torches, as
They sail upstream.
Frostfall dew with
Autumn comes, then
On the plains it is that
Flocks of birds do gather, and
Fierce men
All go together, and
Are there many, yet
With a speckled arrow tail
My Ōguro, with
Chimes upon his jesses,
Hunting in the morning
Caught five hundred birds, and
Hunting in the evening
A thousand had beneath him;
In every pursuit
None could evade him, and
Flight from my hand and
Returning, too, was easy;
To abandon him, and
Get his like would be impossible;
Such a clever
Hawk, there could never be,
Within my heart,
I thought proudly,
On and on; then
A foolish
Good-for-nothing old man
With word to me
Not one, when
All with cloud and
Rain the day was filled,
Said, ‘I’ll go hawking,’
In name only; then
‘Mishima Plain
we did gaze across, to
Moutain, where Ōguro flew, and
Hid within the clouds, and
Went away,’
On his return, he
Coughing said,
To call Ōguro back the trick
He had not, so
Regret I felt, and
In my heart
The flames of indignation burned, and
Thinking fondly of him,
I sighed often,
Beyond all measure, then
Thinking I might find him once more,
On the leg-wearying mountains
All about
With bird nets
I set watchers, and
At the mighty
Gods’ shrines
Shining mirrors
Wrapped in cloth I proffered, and
Made many entreaties;
While I was thus waiting
Appeared within my dream, and did say,
‘Your beloved
Hawk so talented, at
Beach does spend his days
Catching gizzard shad sprats.
Passing the shore at Himi,
The isle of Tako
In duck
Flocking Furue
The day before and
Yesterday, too, he was.
At briefest
For two more days, and at
Seven more
Will he spend there,
Then return, your friend, so
With such a heavy heart,
Do not long for him!’
Thus they told me now! |