Orange blossom at an ancient estate.
inishie o shinobu to nashi ni furusato no yūbe no ame ni niou tachibana Bygone days I do not recall, but At an ancient estate In the evening rain Comes the scent of orange blossom.[i]
[i] This poem functions as a reply to: Topic unknown. さつきまつ花橘のかをかげば昔の人の袖のかぞする satsuki matsu / hana tachibana no / ka o kageba / mukashi no hito no / sode no ka zo suru ‘Awaiting the Fifth Month / The orange blossoms’ / Scent fills the air, and / Folk from long ago / With their perfumed sleeves come back to me.’ Anonymous (KKS III: 139 ).
On hearing a cuckoo when I was alone on a night when it was raining heavily.
hototogisu naku koe ayana satsuki yami kiku hito nashi mi ame wa furitsutsu O, cuckoo, Giving call is strange, indeed, In the drizzling dark, For there is none to hear you, In the ever falling rain…
yamazakura ima wa no koro no hana no e ni yūbe no ame no tsuyu zo koboruru The mountain cherries’ End draws near now; Upon the blossomed branches The evening rain Drips as heavy dew.
Created with Soan.
Blossom amid the evening rain.
yamazakura ada ni chirinishi hana no e ni yūbe no ame no tsuyu zo nokoreru The mountain cherry Has scattered so swiftly Upon the branch where blossom lay The evening rain’s Dewfall remains!
Created with Soan.
Cherry blossom in the rain.
ame furu to tachi kakurureba yamazakura hana no shizuku ni sōchinuru kana In the falling rain When I stood to shelter beneath A mountain cherry, Droplets from the blossom Did drench me!
Created with Soan .
sawarabi no moe’izuru ame ni narinureba nobe no kasumi mo tanabikinikeri The bracken Bursts into bud when rain Does fall, and Across the meadows The haze is drifting.
Created with Soan .
kyō no ma no kokoro ni kaete omoiyare nagametsutsu nomi sugusu kokoro o One day long last Your feelings, but instead Imagine: Ever gazing simply at the falling rain Spending time so—how might one feel?
Izumi Shikibu
The Beginning of Autumn
Left (Win—in a certain book Tie)
shigure ni mo ame ni mo aranu hatsugiri no tatsu ni mo sora wa sashikumorikeri Neither a shower Nor rain, The first mists Simply rise into the skies And cover all with cloud.
toshi goto ni au to suredo tanabata no nuru yo no kazu zo sukunakarikeru Every year She meets him, yet The Weaver Maid’s Nights of passion Are few indeed.
Mitsune 12
On thunder.
ama no hara naru kami ika ni omouran kyō wa mi o shiru ame to koso fure From the plain of Heaven Sounds the Gods’ thunder—what Might they be thinking? For today my misery as Rain does fall on!
On love in the rain, when she presented a hundred poem sequence for the Hōji hyakushu [1248].
omoiki ya namida ni shiboru sode ni nao mi o shiru ame o soen mono to wa Never did I think, that I would wring the tears From my sleeves yet still The rain upon my misery Would add to it…
Tsuchimikado-in no Kosaishō 土御門院小宰相
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