Tag Archives: shiranami

Koresada shinnō-ke uta’awase 18


yomogyū ni
tsuyu no okishiku
aki no yo wa
hitori nuru mi mo
sode zo nurekeru
Upon the mugwort
The dew falls, scattered
On an autumn night;
Sleeping alone, my
Sleeves are drenched, indeed!



ashihiki no
yamabe ni yosuru
shiranami wa
kurenai fukaku
aki zo miekeru
Upon the leg-wearying
Mountain meadows break
The whitecaps;
A deeper scarlet
Does autumn reveal.


Uhyōe shōjō sadafumi uta’awase 4

Scarlet lotus flowers floating on marsh water (緑沼紅蓮浮)

Left (Win)


midorinu ni
ukitaru hatisu
kurenawi ni
midu nigorunari
nami tatu na yume
Upon the green marsh
Floats a lotus
Its scarlet
Stains the waters –
O, rise not, you waves!




kurenawi no
Fatisu ukitaru
midorinu ni
siranami tateba
kokimaze no Fana
The lotus floats upon
The green marsh, but
When the whitecaps rise
All jumbled will the flowers be…


[1]These poems are included in Fubokushō (XXIV: 11386) and (XXIV: 11387).

SIS IX: 552

In the Tenryaku period, when the Ichijō Regent [Fujiwara no Koretada] was Head Chamberlain, His Majesty lost his belt to him while playing go. The games continued, and Koretada’s losses mounted, so His Majesty composed this poem to ask for the return of his belt.


siranami no
uti ya kaFesu to
matu Fodo ni
Fama no masago no
kazu zo tumoreru
Wondering when the whitecaps
Will return, and
While waiting
The grains of sand upon the beach
Increase in number!

Emperor Murakami

KYS IV: 279

Composed on the first snows falling atop the bridge.


siranami no
tatiwataru ka to
miyuru kana
Famana no Fasi ni
Fureru Fatuyuki
Have risen across it
Or so it does seem;
The bridge at Hamana
With first snows fallen…

Lady Owari [in service to] the former Kamo Virgin