Round Fourteen
Left (Win)
tanabata no wakaruru kesa no tamoto ni ya aki no shiratsuyu okihajimuran The Weaver Maid Parts from him this morn, Upon her sleeves Autumn’s silver dewdrops Must have begun to fall…
Shun’e 27
aki hete mo hatenaki naka o miru ori wa tanabatatsume zo urayamarekeru Though the autumns pass, When on their endless bond She ponders, Even the Weaver Maid Must despise her lot!
Kenshō 28
A poem on crickets by Prince Yuhara.
暮月夜 心毛思努尓 白露乃 置此庭尓 蟋蟀鳴毛
ゆふづくよ こころもしのに しらつゆの おくこのにはに こほろぎなくも
yupu duku yo kokoro mo sino ni siratuyu no oku kono nipa ni koporogi naku mo The evening moon Does wrench my heart, as Silver dewdrops Fall upon the grounds and The crickets cry…
moroku tomo iza shiratsuyu ni mi o nashite kimi ga atari no kusa ni kienan Fragile they may be, but Well, into silver dewdrops Would I transform myself, and By your side, my love, Vanish among the grasses…
When His Majesty commanded a poem, during the reign of the Engi emperor.
siratuyo wo kaze no Fukisiku aki no no Fa tsuranuki tomenu tama zo tirikeru Silver dewdrops, In the ever-blowing wind Across the autumn meadows Never remaining threaded are Those scattered gemstones.
Fun’ya no Asayasu
Created with Soan .
Topic unknown.
akikaze ni nabiku asaji no sue goto ni oku shiratsuyu no aware yo no naka In the autumn breeze The cogon grass trails back and forth; On every single frond Drop silver dewdrops— So sad is this mundane world of ours.
Created with Soan .
Composed on the conception of coming unexpectedly, but being unable to meet, when people were composing ten love poem sequences at the residence of Lord Toshitada.
omoFigusa Fazue ni musubu siratuyu no tamatama kite Fa te ni mo tamarazu My passion, to the dayflower’s Leaf-tips clings A silver dewdrop Gem—unexpectedly arriving, It will not fall into my hand…
Lord Minamoto no Toshiyori
Created with Soan .
Composed when he presented a Hundred Poem Sequence to former Emperor Sutoku.
tatutaFime kazasi no tama no wo wo yowami midarenikeri to miyuru siratuyu Princess Tatsuta’s Jewelled hairpin Has threads so frail that Confused do Appear the silver dewdrops.
Lord Fujiwara no Kiyosuke
For the Hundred Poem Sequences Commemorating the Reign of Former Emperor Horikawa.
yamaji nite sōchinikeri na shiratsuyu no akatsuki oki no kigi no shizuku ni On a mountain path How damp have I become! Silver dewdrops Fall with the dawn In droplets from the trees…
Supernumerary Middle Counsellor Kunizane
Created with Soan .
On willows in the rain.
aoyagi no ito yori tsutau shiratsuyu o tama to miru made harusame zo furu The pale green willow Threads reveal Silver dewdrops— Made to resemble gemstones By the fall of a spring shower.
Created with Soan .
As a poem on willows.
aoyagi no ito mo tenukeru shiratsuyu no tama kokichirasu haru no yamakaze Pale green willow Threads are strung With silver dewdrops— Gems scattered by The breeze from off the mountains in springtime.
Created with Soan .
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