natsugoromo tachishi toki yori ashihiki no yama hototogisu nakanu hi zo naki My summer garb Sewn, arrived and since then The leg-wearying Mountain cuckoo Cries not, on not a single day…
For the place where Nunohiki Falls was painted, on a screen in the Saishō Hall of the Four Heavenly Kings.
hisakata no ama tsu otome ga natsugoromo kumoi ni sarasu nunohiki no taki Eternal Heavenly maidens Their summer garb Rinsing among the clouds— The cataract at Nunohiki
Lord Ari’ie
Created with Soan .
Composed on the conception of changing into summer clothes, when a Hundred Poem Sequence was presented to His Majesty, Emperor Horikawa. 夏ごろもはなのたもとにぬぎかへて春のかたみもとまらざりけり
natsugoromo hana no tamoto ni nugikaete haru no katami mo tomarazarikeri For summer garb Blossom-laden sleeves I remove, and with the change Those keepsakes of springtime Fail to linger on.
Former Middle Counsellor Masafusa
Here’s a short video in which I talk about the first two summer topics in Eikyū hyakushu , ‘The Kamo Festival’ (加茂祭 kamo no matsuri ) and ‘Summer Garb’ (夏衣 natsugoromo ), as well as going through the poems and providing some commentary on what the poems mean, and some of the vocabulary used.
Summer Garb (夏衣)
itsushika to hana no tamoto o nugikaete usuki koromo no urameshiki kana Suddenly, Blossom laden sleeves have I removed and changed for Gossamer garb – How I do despise it!
Summer Garb (夏衣)
nukiusumi oreru koromo no ikanareba tamoto ni kaze o nao hedatsuran Weft so thinly Woven garb – What to make of it? Will the sleeves, to the wind Yet provide a barrier?
Summer Garb (夏衣)
toki to ieba
makane mo tokuru
natsu nare ya
nao chigirekashi
semi no hagoromo
The time is
Steel melting
Still shredded are
The cicada-silk robes…
Fujiwara no Nakazane
Summer Garb (夏衣)
samidare ni
nurenikerashi na
hitoe higaki ni
kakete hosanan
By summer showers
Does seem drenched
This summer garb:
A single layer upon the cypress fence –
Hanging there to dry…
Summer Garb (夏衣)
imo ga mikeshi no
ayanare ya
uranaki sae zo
shita ni kimauki
Summer garb:
My darling’s raiment
Has such a pattern to it!
There is no underside at all,
For her to wear beneath!
Minamoto no Shunrai
iza toku nenamu
nugu ka to sureba
akenu to iFu yo ni
When the sky grows dark,
Let me loosen and to bed
In my summer garb!
But when I am to take it off,
Dawn comes to the night…
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