Left (Win)
aimite mo awade mo nageku tanabata no itsuka kokoro wa nodokekaruramu Even having met him, Now she sees him not, grieving is The Weaver Maid— When is it that her heart Might find some peace?
awazushite omoishi yori mo tanabata wa akazu wakarete nochi zo wabishiki She would not meet him Once she thought, but far more, now, The Weaver Maid, Endlessly, after Parting is filled with lonely sadness.
Left (Tie)
au koto o matsu to nagekishi toki yori mo tanabatatsume wa ima ya waburamu For a meeting Did she pine and grieve, But from that moment The Weaver Maid Now seems filled with lonely sadness.
nagaki yo ni tsukusu tomo naki tanabata no koi wa sora ni ya moriwataruran The long night through Did not exhaust at all The Weaver Maid’s Love into the skies Seems to overflow.
akazushite wakarenishikaba ama no gawa koishiki se nomi omohoyuru kana Unsatisfied Have they parted, so At the River of Heaven’s Rapids, their loving meeting alone Does fill their thoughts!
Right (Win)
tanabata no mare ni au yo no shinonome no mienu bakari zo kiri wa furamashi The Weaver Maid Has but a rare night’s meeting, so At the edge of dawn That it simply not be seen She wishes for the fog to fall.
Among the courtiers in service to His Majesty, former Emperor Uda, it was possible to pick out those who had some sensitivity and those who did not, so in a certain year, when the kōshin rite came around on the 7th day of the Seventh Month, those gentlemen who were thought to have this sensitivity spent the day composing poems on the topic of ‘feelings after meeting at Tanabata’ which were divided into teams and matched.
toshigoto ni korizu ya aruran tanabata no aite koishiki wakare nomi suru Every single year Does she never learn, I wonder? The Weaver Maid Meets and then with love Does simply part.
Right (Win)
omoiyaru kokoro no sora ni shirarureba tanabatatsume no wakare kanashiki Yearning fills The heavens of her heart— How well she knows it, for The Weaver Maid’s Parting is so sad.
Round Fourteen
Left (Win)
tanabata no wakaruru kesa no tamoto ni ya aki no shiratsuyu okihajimuran The Weaver Maid Parts from him this morn, Upon her sleeves Autumn’s silver dewdrops Must have begun to fall…
Shun’e 27
aki hete mo hatenaki naka o miru ori wa tanabatatsume zo urayamarekeru Though the autumns pass, When on their endless bond She ponders, Even the Weaver Maid Must despise her lot!
Kenshō 28
Round Thirteen
Left (Tie)
hikoboshi no kure o matsu ma wa ajikinaku kumo no yoso naru kokochi koso sene While the Herd Boy The evening awaits, He suffers— Beyond the distant clouds Is where his feelings lie!
Taifu 25
sa mo koso wa mi wa narawashi to iinagara tanabata ikade taete suguran That is how it is— Her flesh knows how it is, They say, but How is it that the Weaver Maid Endures the passing days?
In terms of overall quality, the Left is superior, but I am unable to understand it. The conclusion of the Right is non-standard.
Round Twelve
Left (Tie)
akikaze no fuku to kiku yori tanabata wa kokoro no uchi ya suzushikaruran Since the autumn breeze’s Blowing she has heard, The Weaver Maid Surely within her heart Feels a pleasant cool!
Suketaka 23
tanabata no machitsuru hodo no hisashisa ni hakanaku akuru sora o kaeba ya The Weaver Maid Her waiting time’s Eternity for The briefly brightening Sky would wish to change…
Moromitsu 24
Round Eleven
Left (Win)
tanabata wa taenu chigiri o ureshi tomo koyoi bakari ya omoishiruran The Weaver Maid’s Unending vow is A source of joy, yet Is it only on this night That she truly feels it?
Shun’e 21
ama no kawa wataru koyoi ya tanabata wa nakanaka sode o nurasazaruran The River of Heaven Does she cross tonight, so The Weaver Maid Truly, her sleeves Dampens not, I think!
Yorisuke 22
On the same conception.
asa to akete nagame ya suran tanabata Fa akanu wakare no sora wo koFitutu With the morn, does she open up her door And gaze out? The Weaver Maid, Unsated, her parting in the Skies does ever deeply feel…
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The Beginning of Autumn
Left (Win—in a certain book Tie)
shigure ni mo ame ni mo aranu hatsugiri no tatsu ni mo sora wa sashikumorikeri Neither a shower Nor rain, The first mists Simply rise into the skies And cover all with cloud.
toshi goto ni au to suredo tanabata no nuru yo no kazu zo sukunakarikeru Every year She meets him, yet The Weaver Maid’s Nights of passion Are few indeed.
Mitsune 12
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