鳥羽玉の 黒髪山に ふる雪の 白し黒しも 知らすとて 和歌浦わの 諸人と 人並波に たちまじり むなしき名のみ 音羽川 音ばかりには 聞ゆとも まことはさらに 夏木立 言の葉しまり かきつめて 百草までも なりにけり その朝けりも はばかりの 関やりがたく 思へども 君がみことの 末なれば 稲葉の露も いなびけど 思ひあまりに 津の国の 難波のことも わすられて よきふしもなき しをれあしの 下にはよどむ-水の泡の もらしてのちも 夜とともに なほきえかへり はつとしらすや
ubatama no kurokamiyama ni Furu yuki no sirosi kurosi mo sirasu tote waka no urawa no moroFito to Fitonami nami ni tatimaziri munasiki na nomi otoFagaFa oto bakari ni Fa kikoyu tomo makoto Fa sara ni natu kodati koto no ha simari kakitumete momokusa made mo narinikeri sono asa keri mo Fabakari no seki yarigataku omoFedomo kimi ga mikoto no suwe nareba inaba no tuyu mo inabikedo omoFi amari ni tu no kuni no naniFa no koto mo wasurarete yokiFusi mo naki siwore asi no sita ni wa yodomu midu no aFa no morasite noti mo yo to tomo ni nao kiekaFeri Fatu to sirasu ya |
On lily-seed black Kurokami Mountain, The falling snow Both black and white Does show, they say; Among Waka Bay’s Many folk Aligned in waves I am included, with Nothing but an empty name; Otowa River’s Sound is all I hear, yet The truth is still among The summer clustered trees My words are sealed To be plucked out and A century of grasses Become. With the morn the lapwings Habakari Barrier find hard to cross I think, yet If you, my Lord, Should reach your end, Dewdrops on the seedling rice, too, Would trail down, yet All my thought and more on The land of Tsu, On Naniwa, I will forget, and Lacking any strong stem, Beneath a drooping reed Lies still The foam upon the waters; When dampened by it Together with the world Will vanish all Away – I tell you. |