Tag Archives: Minamoto no Muneyuki

KKS I: 24

Composed for a poetry competition held by Her Majesty, the Empress, during the Kanpyō period.


tokiFa naru
matu no midori mo
Faru kureba
ima FitosiFo no
iro masarikeri
When to the eternal
Pine’s green
Spring does come,
Now all the more vibrant
Is its hue!

Minamoto no Muneyuki

KKS VI: 315

Composed as a Winter poem.


yamazato Fa
Fuyu zo sabisisa
Fitome mo kusa mo
karenu to omoFeba
In a mountain home
Winter is when loneliness
Overwhelms me;
The bustle of folk and the grasses, too,
Have withered away, I feel.

Minamoto no Muneyuki (d.939)