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aFu koto Fa itu to nagisa no Famatidori nami no tachi’wi ni ne wo nomi zo naku | Our meeting— When will it be? On the seashore The plovers on the beach Amid the rising waves Simply let out sobbing cries! |
Middle Counsellor Masasada
Created with Soan.
Regretting the passage of autumn
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toshigoto ni tomaranu aki to shirinagara oshimu kokoro no korizu mo aru kana | Every single year Autumn will not linger I know, yet That my heart regrets this Is something I do not dislike! |
oshi to iite umie mo sasoe tobiwataru izure ka aki no watarinaruran | Filled am I with regret, for The seashore beckons, and ‘Twill fly across— When will autumn Pass by, I wonder? |
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