Tag Archives: Horikawa

SKKS I: 19

Composed on the spirit of remnants of snow, when he presented a hundred poem sequence to Retired Emperor Horikawa (1079-1107; r. 1086-1107).


haru kite wa
hana tomo miyo to
kataoka no
matsu no uwaba ni
awayuki zo furu
‘Spring has come,’ they say,
‘Look! It’s blossom!’
On the mountainside
Upon the pine-tops
A froth of snow is falling.

Fujiwara no Nakazane (1057-1118)

SZS XI: 641

Composed in the conception of love’s beginning, when he took part in a hundred poem sequence during the reign of Retired Emperor Horikawa.


naniFae no
mo ni udumoruru
araFarete dani
Fito wo koFi ba ya
In the bay of Naniwa
Gemstone rocks
Appear-just so
Does my love for her.

Minamoto no Toshiyori

SZS X: 617

Composed on the spirit of the beginning of the year, when she presented a hundred poem sequence during the reign of Retired Emperor Horikawa


yukusuwe wo
matu zo Fisasiki
kimi ga Femu
tiyo no Fazime no
ne no Fi to omoFeba
For the future
Wait the pines, eternal,
My Lord shall see
A thousand years-the first
Year’s Day’s today, I feel.


SZS II: 134

Composed on the spirit of the end of Spring, when he presented a hundred-poem sequence during the reign of Retired Emperor Horikawa.


tune yori mo
keFu no kururu wo
wosimu kana
ima ikutabi no
Faru to siraneba
More than normal
The dusk today
Is matter for regret;
Now, how many more
Springs will I see?-I know not…

Former Middle Councillor [Ōe no] Masafusa

SKS X: 385

Composed during the reign of Retired Emperor En’yū (959-991; r. 969-984), on the occasion of the second imperial excursion to the Horikawa Palace.


minakami wo
kimi ga yo ni
Futatabi sumeru
ForikaFa no midu
The river’s source
Is ordained, so
Your Majesty’s reign
Has once again made crystal clear
The waters of Horikawa River.

Sone no Yoshitada