ura chikaku furikuru yuki wa shiranami no sue no matsuyama kosu ka to zo miru Close by the shore The snow floats in; “Would the whitecaps, Over Sue-no-Matsuyama Break?” come to mind.[1]
Okikaze 143[2]
Right Some texts of the contest have no surviving poem for the Right this round, while some others repeat poem No. 122.
[1] A reference to: 君をおきてあだし心を我がもたば末の松山波もこえなん kimi o okite / adashi kokoro o / wa ga motaba / sue no matsuyama / nami mo koenan ‘To abandon you / An inconstant heart / Would I have, but sooner / Over Sue-no-Matsuyama / Would waves break!’ Anonymous (Kokinshū XX: 1093).
[2] Kokinshū VI: 326/Shūishū IV: 239, attributed to Hitomaro/Kokin rokujō I: 717.
Round Thirteen
ura chikaku furikuru yuki wa shiranami no sue no matsuyama kosu ka to zo miru Close by the beach The snow comes falling upon The whitecaps—that The pine-topped peak of Sue The might o’ercome it does appear!
Fujiwara no Okikaze 24
miyoshino no yama no shirayuki tsumorurashi furusato samuku narimasaru nari On fair Yoshino Mountain white snow fall Drifts high, it seems, For in this ancient place the chill Grows ever stronger.
Sakanoue no Korenori 25[1]
[1] Kokinshū VI: 325: Composed at the place he was staying when he had gone to the Nara capital.
Composed on the conception of Felicitation for a poetry competition held by the Kokiden Consort during the reign of Emperor Go-ichijō.
kimi ga yo Fa
suwe no matuyama no
Farubaru to
kosu siranami no
kazu mo shirarezu
Your Majesty’s reign:
Upon the pine-clad peak of Sué,
So distant
Break whitecaps
In numbers unknown to all!
The Monk Eisei
itu sika to
suwe no matuyama
kasumeru Fa
nami to tomo ni ya
Faru mo koyuramu
How eagerly
I await on the pine-clad peak of Sué
The haze, for
Together with the waves
Will spring break upon it?
Minamoto no Shunrai
Composed on the conception of snow as part of a hundred poem sequence.
ika ni semu
suwe no matuyama
nami kosaba
mine no Fatuyuki
kie mo koso sure
What am I to do?
If upon the pine-clad peak of Sué
The waves should break,
The first snows upon the peak
Would vanish clear away!
Minister of the Treasury [Ōe no] Masafusa
Sent to a fickle-hearted woman, in place of someone.
tigiriki na
katami ni sode wo
suwe no matuyama
nami kosazi to Fa
Did we not vow,
Both our sleeves
Wringing out,
That upon the pine-clad peak of Sué
The waves would never break?
Kiyowara no Motosuke
shiranami no
kosu ka to nomi zo
sue no matsuyama
matsukaze no koe
“Will the white waves
Break above you?” is all
I can hear
At Sue-no-Matsuyama
In the wind whispering in the pines.
'Simply moving and elegant'