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mitinoku no sinobu modizuri tare yuFe ni midaremu to omoFu ware naranaku ni Distant Michinoku’s Tangled fern-patterned garb: For whose sake might it be, that Secret passion leaves me so distraught? For it is not mine, I know, so…
The Kawara Minister of the Left
Created with Soan .
Sent to a woman’s residence.
Fito sirenu omoFi Fa tosi mo Fenikeredo ware nomi siru Fa kaFinakarikeri Unknown to all are My passionate thoughts as the years Go by, yet that I, alone, am aware of them If pointless.
The Ononomiya Palace Minister
Created with Soan .
On an occasion when I had many people compose on the same conception.
sakurabana saki chiru mireba yamazato ni ware zo ōku no haru wa henikeru When the cherry blossoms’ Early scattering I see, That in this mountain retreat I have many a Springtime spent, I know.
Created with Soan .
Composed on the conception of love as a year passes when people were at the residence of the Regent and former Minister of the Left.
ware ga mi Fa togaFeru taka to narinikeri tosi Fa Furedomo kowi Fa wasurezu My flesh as A hawk returning to its mews Has become; A year has passed, yet This love I will not forget.
The Minister of the Left [Minamoto no Toshifusa]
'Simply moving and elegant'