[ii] SKKS VIII: 827: After the death of Imperial Princess Shinshi, he had heard that Imperial Princess Sōshi was to move to her former residence, so he went to inspect it, but found everything unchanged; deep in memories of the distant past, he said this to one of the ladies-in-waiting.
After the death of Imperial Princess Shinshi, he had heard that Imperial Princess Sōshi was to move to her former residence, so he went to inspect it, but found everything unchanged; deep in memories of the distant past, he said this to one of the ladies-in-waiting.
arisugawa onaji nagare wa kawaranedo mishi ya mukashi no kage zo wasurenu
The Arisu River’s Flow is just the same and All unchanged, yet She who saw it, long ago— Her face never will I forget!
oto ni nomi kiku no shiratsuyu yoru wa okite hiru wa omoi ni aezu kenubeshi
Only a rumour do I Hear: the chrysanthemum’s white dewdrops, Fall at night (I lie awake), And with the day’s weight of sun (laden with thoughts of you am I), Cannot endure and is gone (as will I be, lest we meet).
n the Fourth Month of the First Year of the Ōtoku period (1084) at the Sanjō Palace he composed this on the profusion of leaves on the trees in the garden.
tamagasiFa niFa mo Fabiro ni narinikeri koya yuFu sidete kami maturu koro
The oak trees In the garden in full fledge Do stand. Look! Mulberry streamers flutter For the gods here now!