Jidai fudō uta’awase 1

Round One



momijiba nagaru
kamunabi no
mimuro no yama ni
shigure fururashi
Along the river Tatsuta
Flow scarlet leaves;
Upon the divine
Mountain dwellings of the gods
A gentle rain looks to be falling.

Kakinomoto no Hitomaro



yū sareba
kadota no inaba
ashi no maroya ni
akikaze zo fuku
When the evening comes
The rice-seedling fronds before my door
Sound out—
Around this reed-roofed hut
The autumn wind is blowing.

Middle Counsellor [Minamoto no] Tsunenobu

[i] KKS V: 284 Listed as ‘Topic unknown’, ‘Anonymous’.

[ii] KYS III: 173/183 ‘Composed on the topic of “autumn wind at a hut in the fields”, when he had gone with various people to Lord Morokata’s residence at Unozu’.

KYS III: 164

Composed on the topic of ‘autumn wind at a hut in the fields’, when he had gone with various people to Lord Morokata’s residence at Unozu.


yū sareba
kadota no inaba
ashi no maroya ni
akikaze zo fuku
When the evening comes
The rice-seedling fronds before my door
Sound out—
Around this reed-roofed hut
The autumn wind is blowing.

Middle Councellor Tsunenobu

KYS III: 173

Composed on the topic of ‘autumn wind at a hut in the fields’, when he had gone with various people to Lord Morokata’s residence at Unozu.


yū sareba
kadota no inaba
ashi no maroya ni
akikaze zo fuku
When the evening comes
The rice-seedling fronds before my door
Sound out—
Around this reed-roofed hut
The autumn wind is blowing.

Middle Councellor Tsunenobu

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.


During the reign of the Tamura Emperor, when he was confined to Suma in the province of Tsu for certain reasons, he sent this to someone in the capital.


wakuraba ni
toFu Fito araba
suma no ura ni
mosiFo taretutu
wabu to kotaFeyo
If of me
Folk should come enquiring, then as
On the beach at Suma
The seaweed ever drips,
I suffer—answer that!

Ariwara no Yukihira

MYS II: 107

A poem presented by Prince Ōtsu to the Elder Maiden of Ishikawa.

足日木乃 山之四付二 妹待跡 吾立所沾 山之四附二


asipiki no
yama no siduku ni
imo matu to
ware tatinurenu
yama no siduku ni
On the leg-wearying
Mountain, among the droplets
I await my darling, so
Standing there, I’ll be drenched
By the mountain droplets!
A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

GSS II: 56

When he participated in an archery display, during the reign of the Jōgan emperor [Seiwa].


keFi sakura
siduku ni wa ga mi
iza nuremu
kagome ni sasoFu
kaze no konu ma ni
Today let cherry blossom
Droplets my body
For the scented
Breeze has yet to blow…

The Kawara Minister of the Left
[Minamoto no Tōru 源融 (822-895)]

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

Akazome Emon-shū 570

When I heard nothing more from a person who had vowed to go to see the scarlet leaves at Tonase with me.


tokuto isogade
momijiba wa
tonase no taki no
ochi mo koso sure
How untrustworthy!
You take care to make no haste, and
The scarlet leaves
At Tonase cataract, without a word
Will surely fall!
A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

Egyō hōshi-shū 112

When various people went to view the scarlet leaves by the Ōi River in the Tenth Month.


kawabe no momiji
chiranu ma wa
tonase no kishi ni
On the Ōi River’s
Riverside the scarlet leaves
Have yet to scatter, so
At Tonase’s bank
I would linger long.
A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.