Kojiki 4

Following Yachihoko’s successful wooing of Princess Nunakawa, his principal wife, Princess Suseri, became exceedingly jealous. On one occasion, when he was about to take his leave of her, he sang thus:

ぬばたまの 黑き御衣を まつぶさに 取り裝ひ 沖つ鳥 胸見る時 はたたぎも これは適はず 邊つ波 そに脱き棄て そに鳥の 靑き御衣を まつぶさに 取り裝ひ 沖つ鳥 胸見る時 はたたぎも 此も適はず 邊つ波 そに脱ぎ棄て 山縣に 蒔きし あたね舂き 染木が汁に 染め衣を まつぶさに 取り裝ひ 沖つ鳥 胸見る時 はたたぎも 此し宜し いとこやの 妹の命 群鳥の 我が群れ往なば 引け鳥の 我が引け往なば 泣かじとは 汝(な)は言ふとも 山處の 一本薄 項傾し 汝が泣かさまく 朝雨の 霧に立たむぞ 若草の 妻の命 事の 語言も 是をば

nubatama nö
kuroki mikesi wo
matubusa ni
oki tu töri
muna miru toki
patatagi mö
köre pa pusapazu
pe tu nami
sö ni nukiute
sonidöri nö
awoki mikesi wo
oki tu töri
muna miru töki
patatagi mö
kö mö pusapazu
pe tu nami
sö ni nukiute
yamagata ni
atane tuki
sömëki ga siru ni
somekoromo wo
oki tu töri
muna miru töki
patatagi mo
kö si yörösi
itoko ya nö
imo nö mikötö
muradöri nö
wa ga mureinaba
pikëtori no
wa ga pikëinaba
nakazi tö pa
na pa ipu tömö
yamatö nö
pitö mötö susuki
na ga nakasamaku
asa amë nö
kiri ni tatamu zo
wakakusa nö
tuma no mikoto
kötö nö
katarigötö mo
kö wo ba
Lily seed
Black, my garb:
Decked out in finery.
A bird upon the shore,
Preens the down upon its breast,
And flaps its wings:
That won’t do.
As a wave from the shore,
I pull them off and drop them.
Blue, my garb:
Decked out in finery.
A bird upon the shore,
Preens the down upon its breast,
And flaps its wings:
That won’t do.
As a wave from the shore,
I pull them off and drop them.
In the mountain fields,
Grinding madder:
Liquid from the roots
Dyed red my garb:
Decked out in finery.
A bird upon the shore
Preens the down upon its breast
And flaps its wings.
This is fabulous!
My men,
My lady,
Are a flock of birds,
We go all together;
As a single bird
I am dragged along.
‘I’ll not cry!’
Though you say so,
In the mountains
A single stalk of pampas grass
Droops down.
Your tears now,
As morning rain
Rise through the mists.
Fresh as grass,
My wife.
The words,
The spoken words,
Are like this.

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