Left (Win).
saki no yo o omou sae koso ureshikere chigiri mo kyō no chigiri nomi ka wa |
A prior life is In my thoughts and that Makes me more happy; Our vow today Is not the only one… |
sate mo nao hito no kokoro o shiranu ma wa chigiru sae koso omoinarikere |
Well, I still Find her heart A puzzle, and That we might just form a bond Is the focus of my thoughts… |
The Left and Right remarks are the same in essence as those of the previous round.
Shunzei’s judgement: the Left’s poem certainly is a deeply moving account of a vow lasting over a long period. In the Right’s poem, the use of ‘just’ (sae) prior to ‘the focus of my thoughts’ (omoinarikere) is inappropriate. The Left has definitely won.