うちひさつ 三宅の原ゆ 直土に 足踏み貫き 夏草を 腰になづみ いかなるや 人の子ゆゑぞ 通はすも我子 うべなうべな 母は知らじ うべなうべな 父は知らじ 蜷の膓 か黑き髮に 眞木綿もち あざさ結ひ垂れ 大和の 黄楊の小櫛を 押へ刺す うらぐはし子 それぞ我が妻
uti pi satu miyake nö para yu pitatuti ni asi puminuki natu kusa wo kösi ni nadumi ika naru ya pitö nö ko yuwe zö kayopasu mo ago ubena ubena papa pa sirazi ubena ubena titi pa sirazi mina nö wata kakuroki kami ni mayupu moti azasa yupitare yamatö nö tuge nö wogusi wo osape sasu uragupasi ko sore zö wa ga tuma |
The sun shines bright on The field of Miyake, where Straight against the earth You press your feet- The summer grass Waist-high, a hindrance: For what Man’s daughter, and why Do you go back and forth, my son? How right you are- My mother knows not- How right you are- My father knows not- In her horn-shell Jet black hair, Pure barken cloth is twined, Dangling as a water lily; From Yamato A small boxwood comb Thrusts through and binds it: A beauty through and through, Is my wife. |