Spring III: 26

Left (Win).


hana mo mina
chirinuru haru wa
uguisu no
naku ne bakari ni
tomaru narikeri
Every blossom
Fallen: of spring
The warbler’s
Song, alone,

Lord Kanemune.




uguisu mo
koesu nari
asu bakarinaru
haru o uramite
The warbler, too,
Unable to endure
Lifts his voice in song;
That tomorrow alone
Is left of spring, he bitterly resents.

Lord Tsune’ie.


The Right suggest that the Left’s poem, ‘appears to have a great deal in common with the poem on the “dwelling does it seem,indeed!”’.

The Left indicate they have nothing to remark on in the Right’s poem.

Shunzei agrees with the Right, up to a point, ‘The beginning of the Left’s poem does, indeed, as the gentlemen of the Right say, recall the “dwelling” (Furusato), but its final section is truly marvellous. Simply ending with “spring, he bitterly resents” (haru o uramite), as does the Right’s poem, is worse than the Left’s old-fashioned beginning.’

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