toshitsuki zo omou kainaku suginikeru kimi o kimase no yama no fumoto ni |
For many years and months I yearned to no end, Passing time Calling you on Kimase Mountain’s foot. |
Lord Suetsune.
Right (Win).
yoshinoyama koi no amari ni omoi’irinu nakanaka saraba hito ya tou tote |
As Mount Yoshino Is my love’s extent, So deeply do I feel it; But were I to do so, Perhaps he would visit me there? |
Both Right and Left together state the opposing poem has no faults to indicate.
In judgement: in the Left’s poem, would it really be to no end to pass the time calling on Mount Kimase? The Right’s poem, on Mount Yoshino, has ‘but were I to do so’ (naka saraba), which sounds charming. Thus, the Right wins.