Tag Archives: waterfall

KYS I: 50

Composed at the Poetry Match held at the Residence of the Uji Former Grand Minister.


sakisomeshi yori
hisakata no
kumoi ni miyuru
taki no shira’ito
Since the mountain cherries
Have begun to bloom,
The eternal
Clouds seem
Threaded with a waterfall of white.

Lord Minamoto no Toshiyori

A kuzushiji version of the poem's text.
Created with Soan.

GYS XVI: 2230

Sent when the Hōjōji Lay Priest and Former Regent was in seclusion at the Kiyomizu Temple.


taki no oto mo
ikaga kikuran
miyako dani
mono’aware naru
koro ni mo aru kana
The waterfall’s sound:
Do you hear it, I wonder?
Even in the capital
My heart is moved
At this time, too!

Former Emperor Kazan

Kanpyō no ōntoki chūgū uta’awase 1


Round 1



yamakaze ni
tokuru kōri no
hima goto ni
uchi’izuru nami ya
haru no hatsuhana
With the mountain breeze
The melting ice from
Every crack
Bursts out in waves, perhaps
These are the first blooms of spring?

Minamoto no Maszumi

Right (Win)


tatsu hi no kaze no
ito nare ya
taki no o tokete
tama to midaruru
The haze of spring
Arises with the breeze this day, so
Will its streamers with
The melting waterfall’s threaded
Jewels become confused?


[1] Kokin rokujo I: 5