Left (Tie)
au koto o matsu to nagekishi toki yori mo tanabatatsume wa ima ya waburamu For a meeting Did she pine and grieve, But from that moment The Weaver Maid Now seems filled with lonely sadness.
nagaki yo ni tsukusu tomo naki tanabata no koi wa sora ni ya moriwataruran The long night through Did not exhaust at all The Weaver Maid’s Love into the skies Seems to overflow.
Round Thirteen
Left (Win)
sakurabana sora ni amagiru shirakumo no tanabikiwataru kazuragi no yama The cherry blossoms, As sky-sweeping Clouds of white Drape all across Kazuragi Mountain.
Takasuke 25
sakura saku nagara no yama no nagaki hi mo mukashi o koinu toki no ma zo naki The cherries bloom Changeless on Nagara Mountain; The lengthy days to Those beloved bygone Moments do not compare.
Shimotsuke 26
Neither Left nor Right has any faults worth mentioning. The Right’s poem appears tranquil, with an artless quality. It has a moving sensibility of longing for the past, but the Left’s poem should just about win, I think.
utsutsu ni mo yume ni mo hito ni yoru shi aeba kureyuku bakari ureshiki wa nashi In reality and In dreams both, ‘tis her I meet at night, so Until the twilight comes I have no joy, at all.
Mitsune 57
Right (Win)
tamamo karu ama to wa nashi ni kimi kouru wa ga koromode no kawaku toki naki Reaping gemweed, A seaman, I am not, but Loving you, my lady, My sleeves are Dry for not a moment.
Left (Tie)
fuku kaze ni tomari mo aezu chiru toki wa yaeyamabuki no hana mo kainashi The gusting wind Does never cease, so Scattering time has come upon The eightfold kerria Blooms—so little good they are!
Okikaze 35
oshimedomo tachi mo tomarazu yuku haru o nakoshi no yama no seki mo tomenamu How I regret it, yet Cannot halt the departure of Parting spring— O, that Nakoshi Mountain’s Barrier would hold it!
Tsurayuki 36
toki no ma mo aki no iro o ya ominaeshi nagaki adana ni iwarehatenan For such a brief time In her autumn hues is A maidenflower, and yet Ever is she faithless Said to be…
あきのののくさをみなへし しらぬみははなのなにこそおどろかれぬれ
aki no no no kusa o mina heshi shiranu mi wa ana no na ni koso odorokarenure Through all the autumn meadows’ Grasses have I passed, yet I know them not, so When I learned her name How surprised I was!
yuki no uchi no miyama kara koso oi wa kure kashira no shiroku naru o mazu miyo Within the snows From the mountains deep, O, come, old age! My head to white Is turned—see that first!
matsu no ue ni kakareru yuki wa yoso ni shite toki madowaseru hana to koso mire Upon the pine trees Clings snow: From afar, The season has led astry The blossom, it does appear!
Sages’ Dwellings 仙宮
ika ni kaku yamaji o izuru toki no ma ni mishi hito mo naku toshi no henuran How is it that Departing on mountain paths For but a brief space of time Without someone known so well Makes it seem that years have passed?
Love on Parting 別恋
wakarenishi hito o koiji ni mayou kana itsu o aimin toki zo tomo naku That one who left me On the paths of love Must have lost his way! That time when we’ll meet Once more never will arrive…
tazu no ki ni haiōwareru tsuta ni shimo toki shirigao ni momijishinikeri The elder trees Are covered with trailing Ivy, which So aptly for the season Has turned completely scarlet.
Fujiwarano Nakazane 藤原仲実
On thinking sad thoughts.
ututuru pito pa
akikaze no
tatikuru toki ni
mono’omopu mono zo
As a worn-out robe
Did he abandon me;
Now the autumn wind’s
Time to rise has come
Sunk is he in sorry thought!
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