wagimoko ga hi mo yūgure no kiku nareba akazu zo hana no iro wa miekeru My darling girl Both day and eve is As a chrysanthemum, so Never sated am I with this flower’s Hues I see.
Korenori 5
kiku no hana fuyu no kaze ni chiri mo sede kyō made tote ya shimo wa okuran Chrysanthemum blooms In the winter wind Scatter not; Is it that up to today is when Frost is said to fall?
Korenori 6
kage sae ya koyoi wa niou kiku no hana ama teru tsuki ni ka no sowaruran Even their shape Fills tonight with a scented glow; Chrysanthemum blooms To the heaven-shining moon Seem to add their fragrance.
Korenori 7
From the Poetry Match held by the Hosshōji Lay Priest and Former Chancellor.
katsu miredo nao zo koishiki wagimoko ga yutsu no tsumagushi ikaga sasamashi At last did I see her, yet All the more do I love My darling girl, so Should I turn her to a sacred slender comb And wear her in my hair?
Created with Soan .
The end of the Sixth Month.
wagimoko ga ase ni soFoturu neyorigami natu no Firuma Fa utosi to ya omoFu My darling girl Has sweat-soaked Sleep-tangled hair Daytime in summer is So troublesome, I feel!
Sone no Yoshitada
Created with Soan .
Composed at a place called Higurashino, when he was in attendance upon the former Teishi Emperor who had gone to view Miyataki.
higurashino yukisuginu tomo kai mo araji himo toku imo mo mataji to omoeba Sundown at Higurashino Has passed, yet ‘Tis pointless, for My darling girl to undo her belt Has waited not, I fear…
Major Counsellor Noboru
Fulling cloth late at night (深夜擣衣)
wagimoko ga utsu karakoromo sayo fukete honoka ni kikoyu izuko naruran My darling girl Is fulling my Cathay robe; As brief night breaks Faintly I hear The echoes from somewhere.
Ki no Sukezane 29
ta mo tayuku nari ya yukuran sayo fukami koromo shideutsu oto no nodokesa Is it that her hands so weary Have become? Late on a brief night Fulling clothing— How faint that sound…
Taira no Sadamoto 30
Topic unknown. 風にちるはなたちばなに袖しめてわがおもふいもが手枕にせん
kaze ni chiru hanatachibana ni sode shimete wa ga omou imo ga tamakura ni sen Scattered on the breeze Orange blossoms’ scent Has sunk into my sleeves, So to my darling girl My arm as a pillow will I proffer.
Fujiwara no Mototoshi
Expressing true feelings.
kopi mo sine to ka
wagimoko ga
wagipe no kadeo wo
sugite yukuran
“If one can die of love, then
Do so!” says
My darling girl
As before my dwelling’s gate
She seems to go by!
Kakinomoto no Hitomaro Collection
Left (Win).
sarade dani
uramin to omou
wagimoko ga
koromo no suso ni
akikaze zo fuku
That is not it, yet even so,
I do think to hate
My darling girl,
Her robe hem
Blown by the autumn wind…
Lord Ari’ie .
ika nareba
tsuyu o harau
kaze no oto ni
mono’omou sode no
For some reason
Dewdrops blown by
The wind – the mere sound
Brings to my gloomy sleeves
A dampness most extreme…
Jakuren .
The Right state: the Left’s poem is most admirable. The Left state: the Right’s poem is definitely not!
In judgement: to give the gist of the comments by the Gentlemen of the Left and the Right, the Left’s poem is admirable, and the Right’s poem is not admirable at all. I see no need to make much more of this round that that, so, the Left wins.
'Simply moving and elegant'